
(2023). CREATOR - Disentangling Abstract and Concrete Reasonings of Large Language Models through Tool Creation. In Arxiv.

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(2023). LM-Switch - Lightweight Language Model Conditioning in Word Embedding Space. In Arxiv.

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(2023). Understanding the Effect of Data Augmentation on Knowledge Distillation. In Arxiv.

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(2023). Zero-Shot Classification by Logical Reasoning on Natural Language Explanations. In ACL Findings 2023.

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(2023). RCOT - Detecting and Rectifying Factual Inconsistency in Reasoning by Reversing Chain-of-Thought. In Arxiv.

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(2023). Tool Learning with Foundation Models. In Arxiv.

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(2023). Logical Entity Representation in Knowledge-Graphs for Differentiable Rule Learning. In ICLR 2023.

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(2021). Learning Shared Semantic Space for Speech-to-Text Translation. In ACL Findings 2021.

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(2021). Birds of a Feather Flock Together - A Close Look at Cooperation Emergence via Multi-Agent RL. In Arxiv.

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(2019). Visual Concept-Metaconcept Learning. In NeurIPS 2019.

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